A-Z of an Independent Candidate

Independent candidates, by our nature, are not required to follow manifestos written by someone other than themselves and with which they often disagree.

As an independent MP for Tunbridge Wells, I can concentrate on what is important for our constituency and the country, free from the shackles of party politics.

This A to Z is a brief outline and starting point. As your MP, I will listen to your needs and the needs of our wonderful towns. I invite you to help to develop those needs.

A-Z of Elections

A – Ageing Population

We will all be old one day, some of us sooner than others! Caring for an ageing population is seen as a responsibility of local authorities. However, they are woefully underfunded and I would fight for additional money to provide the facilities and hep needs for our ageing population. They may be old, but they are people. Individuals. We must remember that.

B- Brexit

How we all love and hate the ‘B’ word. Whichever side of the fence you sit here, the national democratic vote taken in 2016 should be respected by our elected representatives. The way an individual town voted is irrelevant. This was a national one person one vote referendum. See – Democracy

C – Crime

We are fortunate that crime in Tunbridge Wells is the lowest in Kent and below the national average. However, we need a fully staffed police force for our area. Nationally, prison spaces need to be modernised and for there to be a concentration on better re-rehabilitation, to reduce re-offending.

D – Democracy

This has been missing from Parliament for a while now. Democratic will is vital for our country and must be upheld. Too often democracy at Westminster is seen as voting along party lines, to the detriment of all. See Brexit.

E – Education

Students leaving university and college with huge debts is immoral. Student fees should be scrapped with immediate effect to remove this burden.

F – Fixed Term Parliament Act

Proven as not fit for purpose. Governments of any political colour need to be able to call an election by majority vote. I would vote to repeal the Act.

G – Global Warming / Climate Change

Yes, it is real. And we are already late tackling the solution. The change will not be easy and will be resisted by those with short term profit agendas. This has my fullest support.

H – Housing

There are an increasing number of single households as more people separate or are widowed. This puts pressure on the availability of homes. Building new properties is essential as the population ages and increases. An important part of building, is the need for infrastructure including schools, doctor surgeries, and transport. I would work with local and national governments to ensure that planning permission requires the construction of the appropriate infrastructure.

I – Independent Candidate

With Westminster being in such a mess, it is time to elect some genuine independents. Not ‘independents’ who quit from other parties, but true independents. Hello . . . !

J – Just Be Honest

The number of MPs in the last Parliament who jumped ship to a different party was staggering. Some jumped several times. I would bring in a private member’s bill, requiring any MP who moves away from their party, to stand in a by-election in their new colours. The same applies to any MP who loses the party whip for more than 30 days. The Put Up or Shut Up Bill perhaps?

K – Kent

Kent, the Garden of England and where we all live life. County issues can affect Tunbridge Wells and where they do, as you MP, they will need examination. I want the best for our constituency and our county.

L – Local Issues

Our all-important issues deserve being raised in Westminster. Also, national issues need to be reviewed for any local angle that affects our towns. As your MP, I will keep a close watch on both.

M – Manifestos

Who reads dozens of pages of printed mandates from the mainstream parties? Far better a basic A-Z list which says it all. The A-Z here covers the main points of my manifesto. And it saves a lot of trees.

N – National Health Service

The envy of the world, despite its faults. The NHS must remain as a public service and not be privatised. Whether drugs or other products and services are bought from the UK, Europe or the United States, the best prices must be negotiated, away from political pressure and deals. The lives of patients are far more important than profits.

O – Out of Work

I know what it is to be out of work, as I have been in that position several times in my working life. Whilst benefits are one issue here, support is needed to help you back in to work. Improved finance is needed for both JobCentre Plus and organisations, often charities, to assist individuals back into the workplace, or to help them start their own business.

P – Pensions

A hot topic for those, especially women, who have seen their pension age increased, changing their life plan. This needs to be reversed and I support efforts to return rightfully earned pensions to initially promised ages. Pensions for those starting work will be vital in later life and often ignored. I support information, education and help for our younger generation to understand and save in the right way for their futures.

Q – Questions in Parliament

Questions I would ask in the House on your behalf would concentrate on the needs of our Tunbridge Wells constituency. Free from needing to please a political party master, questions can be wide and varied.

R – Roads & Rail

Transport is essential for all. We all need roads, rail, and planes, whether to travel to work, for business or holidays. Spending in these areas has to reflect the needs of the country and of our own area. I question the viability and investment in the HS2 rail project.

S – Small Business

Having run my own small businesses for much of my working life, as an MP I will work hard to support and benefit small businesses in our towns, villages and across the country. Small businesses are the lifeblood of this country and I’ll shout from the rooftops to support yours or the one where you work.

T – Tunbridge Wells Constituency

As your MP at Westminster, our towns and villages will be top of my thoughts in everything I do for the constituency. With no political colour to my name, I will fight for Tunbridge Wells for the benefit of the place where we all live.

U – Universal Credit

In principle, this seems to be a good idea, but the execution has been painful for many at the receiving end. Urgent reviews are needed to resolve the difficulties and ensure that recipients receive the right benefits in a timely manner. Facilities for claimants without online access need to be improved.

V – Value for Money

Governments waste so much money. As a small business owner for several decades, I know the importance of watching the pennies. I will continually question government spending, to ensure that, as taxpayers, we see value for money, whilst also making sure that everything is of the right quality and fit for purpose.

W – Whips

As an independent MP, I am free from a political party demanding I vote this way and that. Being independent brings the freedom to vote the right way that will benefit both the country and our constituency. Sometimes that vote will be with the Government, at other times with the opposition. How refreshing.

X – Xylophones

Who can think of a suitable X in an A to Z for an election manifesto? Xylophone Lessons For All perhaps? Starting with me. Or, on December 12, please lend me an X on your ballot paper. Thank you.

Y – Yes We Can

Elected independents at Westminster are a rare beast, but not extinct. This general election is the strangest for a generation and the election of some true independents will be a benefit to the country as a whole and of course, to our own Tunbridge Wells constituency. Can we elect some true independents? Yes We Can!

Z – Zzzzzzz

After A to Y, we will all need some sleep, especially if you have read this far.

Thank you for reaching the end. If you like what you have seen, I would welcome your X in the box on 12 December. Wrap up warm!

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